European Lung Foundation (Euro)

Take the Active Option

Fiona Salter

Fiona Salter

My Story

Take the Active Option is an annual event under the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign which teaches thousands of people about lung health.

I don't take lung health for granted. My dad died from COPD brough on by airbourne pollution in his workplace. I wish we had known more, and earlier, about the impact of this devastating lung disease.

This is why I am joining #TakeTheActiveOption to raise money for ELF to improve lung health across Europe and the globe.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Take the Active Option is an annual event under the Healthy Lungs for Life campaign which teaches thousands of people about lung health.

I don't take lung health for granted. My dad died from COPD brough on by airbourne pollution in his workplace. I wish we had known more, and earlier, about the impact of this devastating lung disease.

This is why I am joining #TakeTheActiveOption to raise money for ELF to improve lung health across Europe and the globe.